On this page I am going to look at a dark subject called cyberstalking. This is a subject often hushed up with victims underestimating its seriousness. One of the most important steps and probably most vital is telling the police as it can escalate out of control. Many stalkers and cyberstalkers suffer from psychiatric problems like depression and PTSD but this isn’t always the case and they tend to be obsessive in some way. You can lock down things like your bank account and social media. This may be necessary as your stalker for example if your ex may have had access to your bank account and be charging things to it. You can prevent online payments as well as scrutinize bank statements. With social media you can password protect you main page and watch carefully who you befriend on there as it can be the stalker using a fake identity. Friends with lower security settings on there pages can have there timeline looked at to find out information about you. You should also not put personal information on these sites especially stuff like your date of birth and your address which can be used for online fraud. Many cases of cyberstalking can be done by complete strangers who maybe only know you by sight. Other cases can be by a exboyfriend or even a friend who seems quite innocent. Often when there approaches are rebuffed you have to bear in mind they may try and take revenge. A way this can happen is social engineering when you might get a phone call or e-mail pretending to be an official often like the police or a bank requesting information maybe your bank details to get revenge. You might even get a link in an e-mail requesting you go to a fake website although it seems genuine. A lot of these people will go extra-ordinary lengths to get revenge. Cyberstalkers are also often trolls who are people who go around the internet leaving nasty comments on as many sites as possible.

The book I read to research this post was Forex Dreaming by Christopher Lee which is a very good book that I downloaded for free from kindle. This book is around 65 pages so is fairly short. Forex is short for foreign exchange trading and is basically profiting on commision from a transaction converting currency from one type to another. This can be something like from euros to dollars and can for example be if a multinational company wants to build a factory in a certain country. The percentage is typically small and most brokers do lots of transactions earning a little from each. Some brokers are small and there can be several sharing the transaction. Around 90 % of these carry little risk. Some gurus claim it is difficult to make money in this field and sell excessively expensive courses when it is fairly straightforward and easy. If you are learning about try and avoid buying books and courses with similar information but rather vary the different aspects you need to learn. There are also some good websites with lots of information as with any media for learning about be selective about what you take as gospel truth. There is a lot of dross. Many brokers are websites. I did enjoy this book and do recommend it.

The e-book I read to research this post was How To Install WordPress And Build A Secure WordPress Blog by Jan Kearney which is a very good e-book that I downloaded for free on kindle. This book is around 40 pages so is quite short. It is mainly aimed at people considering hosting WordPress on a 3rd party host like Blue Host or Go Daddy. Another option is letting WordPress host it themselves which is usually free and either way it might be best to purchase a domain name. The process of installing WordPress on a separate hosts server is quite simple but might be a bit tricky to do the first time. This book also outlines the main steps in configuring your website and suggests using Yoast a WordPress plug-in instead of c-panel which is normally included and both contain slightly versions of PHP to each other. To really get indepth in designing a site you need at least some fair knowledge of HTML. I did enjoy this book and do quite recommend it. There are probably better books on the market particularly particularly retail ones but I think this book does a reasonable job. Jan the author has a website at http://www.mylocalbusinessonline.co.uk . It also does mention a free website scanner called Sucuri that might be of interest and scans the website for any problems.

The book I read to research this post was Memory Improvement and Brain Training by Speedy Publishing which is a very good book that I bought from kindle. This book is around 60 pages so is quite short. It is about doing mental exercises to improve you brain. There is various chapters each on a different with a conclusion at the end. It is things like developing speed reading for example where one aspect is focusing on chunking words. This is reading more than one word at a time which you can do with practice. Most people who have learned to read have a natural tendency to read one word at a time. Something else is mindfulness where you allow your mind to accept and then let go of it prevent yourself to become more distracted. There is also affirmations where you might say for example my blood pressure is getting lower and lower and attuned with my body. In this way using suggestion you can get your blood lowered by suggestion to your subconscious mind. Your subscious mind accepts anything suggested repeatedly suggested to it although it might be more effective to use meditation or hypnosis with it. It doesn’t filter what it hears like the conscious mind. This is an interesting book that I do recommend. I did enjoy reading it.

The book I read to research this book was How To Get A Job Using Linkedin by Sebastien Ace which is a very good book that I bought from kindle. Obviously this book is about using social media site Linkedin to find employment and you shouldn’t just use it when you are made redundant or whatever. You should use Linkedin before that to gain contacts who are influential. There is a type of paid membership specifically for people seeking employment which among other things lets them view up to 500 profiles. Free membership only has limited benefits among which is they can’t send out contact requests. There has been an explosion in social media sites especially in people joining the main ones. Any seeking employment probably includes using other sites including facebook, twitter and other types of employment site like monster. Unlike other employment site like monster where jobs are advertised linkedin is about getting the right person for crucial jobs. Often companies hire headhunters to get the right people for important jobs and are normally successful people already in good jobs who are looking to further there potential. It isn’t so much about giving jobs to people already unemployment and lets face it companies don’t need headhunters for that as there are already plenty of unemployed people actively seeking work who could easily fill every vacancy several times over. This book is only around 20 pages so is only short. I did enjoy reading it and do recommend it.

The book I read to research this post was How To Promote Your Business On Facebook by Tim Felmingham which is a very good book that I bought from kindle. The book is around 50 pages so quite short. It obviously about marketing your business on facebook and in that regard there isn’t a lot of new information. It is essential you use a business page as a personal page will be deleted by facebook if you use it for business. You can use some software called canva for creating a profile pic. A business page also gives you facebook insights which gives you marketing and statistical information regarding your business page which you don’t get with a personal one. There is a facility for marketing your business where you can target users of certain demographic and send adverts for a fee to those users. These demographics can be very specific with only a small number of people meeting the criteria or very large number and you probably want something in between. It can be cost per impression or cost per click. The latter being they visit your page. Most businesses promote on facebook and try to get the customer to visit their website to actually buy the item via a clicked on link. Some do the transaction on their facebook page. This is an interesting book that I do recommend.

The book I read to research this post was Amazon Affiliate Niche Sites by Rawee M which is a very good book that I bought from kindle. This book is about selling stuff as an affiliate which means you get a comission on what you sell and the company like Amazon handles sending the item out. With Amazon there is also various packages like Amazon Local worth trying where you get commision for people in your locality making purchases. It’s a good idea to have your own website and links to your Amazon pages where they can make the purchases. A lot of people use a hosted version of WordPress which can have plug ins to automate the various things. It avoids lots of programming. Some people use several sites to maximize the number going to their Amazon pages and will use something called thin content where you put a small amount of good content about the products to encourage the search engines to list them. You can also be an affiliate for more than one company collecting comissions on a variety of products. This book is around 100 pages so is a reasonable length. I enjoyed it and do recommend it. The book does also go through the processes of setting the various things up with a variety of tutorials.

In this post on Illustrator CS6 I am going to continue from the last post. a is the direct select tool. If you want to select similar objects but they are different letters or numbers it won’t work. cntrl+spacebar is the temporary zoom feature. save / save selection – saves everything on the artboard. It’s particularly good for saving different components. cntrl+8 zooms out. Any effects have a preview tick box that when you select it allows you to preview it prior to applying it. window/ pathfinder – lets you apply simple shapes together and subtract them to get complex shapes. You can also place shapes in front or behind each other prior to applying it. Illustrators job is to simplify and replace the task of drawing. You don’t necessarily need to be a good artist but have to have a good idea what you want. You can draw with the pen tool in freehand though. cntrl+j – joins 2 open lines. This is a particularly good tool. There is a unite button in parhfinder that joins 2 shapes to make 1. alt+clicking on unite creates a compund shape. This is a shape consisting of lots of separate components. You can also drag a component to a different part of the artboard and it will remain a part of the shape.

To start off with I’m going to look at the tiling within Adobe Illustrator. If you click on Align/ Align to etc it aligns them to something. You need to then select Object/ Group. You can align to artboard which is one option. You can select one item with the mouse and then shift select which selects everything in sequence or control select which selects multiple individual items. cntrl+alt+a selects everything on the artboard. object/ ungroup – ungroups the objects. There is also a groups option. To distribute the tiles evenly you need to distribute with columns frozen then the same with rows frozen. Otherwise they get scattered around. cntrl+shift+g – ungroups objects. cntrl+g – groups objects. shift+o switches to artboard tools. m is the rectangle tool and v the selection tool. To switch out of a mode into a neutral mode is cntrl+o

The book I read to research this post was PC Systems Installation And Maintenance by RP Beales which is an excellent book that I bought from a car boot sale. This book is about computer building and repair and although quite old published 1999 is still very interesting. It is written by someone who teaches at Worcester College Of Technology. The PC standard came about when Microsoft developed PC-DOS for IBM computers and they let other companies develop it as MS-DOS which became an open standard and fuelled development of those computers. In 12 months they sold a 100,000 computers and of course it developed into Microsoft developing the Window operating systems. An operating is little more than a program that opens every time the computer comes on and some people choose to have a program open in the same way like a media playing software for example. An operating system is probably the most useful software you will ever have with your computer as it provides you with many options least of all being it enables your computer to play other software and allows the various hardware to function. I know a computer engineer who was a huge fan of BIll Gates and Microsoft and reckoned he deserved to be the richest man in the world on the basis of Windows 95 alone and lets face it it was a game changer. Even when the reviewers have slated various editions of Windows like Windows Vista struggling to run on certain computers, we have often looked back on them and thought actually they weren’t that bad. I know Windows 8 hasn’t been hugely successful with a lot of it being people having to learn the Metro which incidently can be turned off. Maybe we have to wait and see how people in the future will look back on that. This book is around 520 pages so is a decent length. Certainly if you want to learn a bit about the development of computers this is an interesting book to read. I certainly enjoyed it and do recommend it.