Archive for the ‘employment’ Category

The book I read to research this book was How To Get A Job Using Linkedin by Sebastien Ace which is a very good book that I bought from kindle. Obviously this book is about using social media site Linkedin to find employment and you shouldn’t just use it when you are made redundant or whatever. You should use Linkedin before that to gain contacts who are influential. There is a type of paid membership specifically for people seeking employment which among other things lets them view up to 500 profiles. Free membership only has limited benefits among which is they can’t send out contact requests. There has been an explosion in social media sites especially in people joining the main ones. Any seeking employment probably includes using other sites including facebook, twitter and other types of employment site like monster. Unlike other employment site like monster where jobs are advertised linkedin is about getting the right person for crucial jobs. Often companies hire headhunters to get the right people for important jobs and are normally successful people already in good jobs who are looking to further there potential. It isn’t so much about giving jobs to people already unemployment and lets face it companies don’t need headhunters for that as there are already plenty of unemployed people actively seeking work who could easily fill every vacancy several times over. This book is only around 20 pages so is only short. I did enjoy reading it and do recommend it.

The book I read to research this post was 10 Businesses That People Can Start Online In 1 Day Or Less which is a very good book that I downloaded from kindle for free. Saying that you can start these businesses in 1 day is probably a bit optimistic. This book consists of several businesses like e-commerce selling and affiliate marketing that you are bound to have heard of. There is also several less well known businesses like social media management and having an online research that are probably less well known but you could well have heard of them if you are quite internet savvy. A number of the latter group of businesses might require specialist knowledge. An e-commerce business is where you set up a website and sell stuff on commision. The beauty of this is all you do is get the orders and the firm giving you commision which is generally not very much handles everything else. If you do social media management I think you need to have good knowledge of the firm you are promoting and a lot of people go to college to study how to do that. They also suggest having a blog with advertising which almost certainly you aren’t going to make a lot of money from that. Some other ideas are doing blogs with links to products on websites where you get commision. Another idea is harvesting e-mail addresses where you have a blog and offer something like a PDF booklet for people to download and then because they give you there e-mail address you can sell that along with knowledge about what they are interested in. There is a company called Get Response that will pay for email addresses. This book is only about 40 pages so is quite short. I did quite enjoy reading it and do recommend it.

The book I read to research this post was How To Build The Ultimate Linkedin Profile In Under An Hour by Andrew MaCarthy which is a very good book that I bought from kindle. This book is only around 70 pages so is quite short. Linkedin is a social media site that we normally associate with businesses looking for potential employers and unemployed people looking for work. Actually it tends to be people currently in jobs who are looking for a better position and it tends to be companies looking to head hunt top employees. This book tells you how to present your profile in the best possible way and there is even a section on promoting your page and profile. Your photo if you work in a senior position should show you in a suit. In less formal jobs you might get away with showing you in something less formal but still smart. Normally it has to have a light background. You must fill in every field on your profile with something otherwise it looks incomplete. One problem some find if they are unemployed is the current position field where you can put looking for work or self employed. You shouldn’t fill in just things like what job you’ve had but should expand and show the contribution you’ve made to that company. If you have testimonials from satisfied customers or former employers you should incorporate them although it might be an idea to get that person’s permission. Also check if people like that are on Linkedin and whether they’d be will to recommend you to someone. If you someone who is looking for a job on there, there is a Jobseeker Premium Membership at $19.95 which might be worth considering. Anyway I very much enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it.

The book I read to research this post was Linkedin Gold: How To Make A Killer Linkedin Profile by Lance Willis which is an excellent book which I bought from kindle. This book is quite short and concise but makes interesting reading and I think is essential reading for anyone interested in getting another job. The book covers a lot more than just creating a Linkedin and covers a whole plethora of useful websites along with their being sections on Twitter and Facebook. If you do a search in a search engine for yourself your Linkedin profile is likely to be highly placed and is important you get it right. You should aim to get at least 500 contacts on Linkedin as then it will display it as 500+ and don’t pick people at random but rather give yourself about 4 months to reach it and pick in the same industry who can help you. You should have a professionally done photo, many trade shows have photograpers who will take a photo and post it online for you for a fee. Your profile should look intelligent and include things like a mission statement and where you want to be in 5 years. You should keep abreast of developments in your industry and mention this in your profile. Your current job should offer opportunities to train if not you definitely need to change jobs. More people use Facebook to search for a job than Linkedin which isn’t surprising considering the former’s popularity. You shouldn’t be afraid of asking for recommendations but avoid spamming people. The job seeker subscription on Linkedin is worth getting and allows you to add contacts on the site. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can tell he really knows what he is on about. It isn’t a how to guide to using Linkedin for that he suggests get Linkedin For Dummies but is informative all the same. Finally bear in mind your shouldn’t post anything on the web you wouldn’t want an employer to read and you should always maintain professional standards.


The book I read to research this post was How To Profit From Fiverr With Your Skills by Rolan Bag-Oa which is an excellent book which I downloaded for free from kindle. I was quite drawn to this book because it’s an unusual and interesting subject and although it’s quite short I have heard quite a lot about the fiverr. Basically the idea behind the site is you offer to do a job or request that someone do $5. $1 of that goes to the website but for example if you are a computer programmer and are selective about what jobs you do there is no reason you can’t do several jobs in an hour and make a nice bit of money. One idea behind fiverr is that you are doing the jobs so you can get some references not really for the money but later on you can charge more as you get a customer base. There is a lot of different types of computer programmers and with the popularity of Content Management Sites like WordPress & Drupal you can often get a nice little like installing a plug in or theme into someone’s site and get paid. Other jobs you may come across are things like voice over work, writing a short piece, proofreading, trying a new product and of course lots of others. One of the great things about fiverr is the variety of categories on offer and it’s easy to register either via the facebook page or an online form on their website. They call the jobs you do on fiverr, gigs.

The book I read to research this post was Job Searching With Social Media for Dummies by Joshua Waldman which is an excellent book which I bought from Kindle. I only read this book because I thought it would make an interesting blog. There are primarily 3 major social network sites which are Twitter, Facebook  & Linkedin. If you are interested in working abroad you should look at websites which are based in that country. Also sometimes there are social media sites which are based around your profession ie if you are a digital artist. Apparently on Twitter specific professions have discussions on a certain day during the week. An example was that Human Resources have a discussion on a thursday. Anybody can join in on these discussions although they use a special hash tag which you have to find out about. You should check your online history via a search engine like google or a free site which is specifically for that purpose is You can often tell them what parts of their data belong to you. Sometimes you have to enter whether you have letters after your name, or your town, or your middle name. If you have a bad history you can enter new data in the form of either blogs or social media & just hope it gets driven down the rankings. If a company is researching you they will seldom look beyond the 3rd page. One beauty of Twitter is you can talk to anybody via the @ symbol. Linkedin is probably the social media site that is most respected by google so you want your cv on there. A lot of people use a free website like Weebly on which they have their cv & link to it via their social media sites. Especially on Linkedin if you are approaching someone for a job, obviously read that persons page but also join some of the Linkedin Groups that person is a member of. Also contribute an article to one of those groups. If you are just after an entry level job try on this site the jobs are often taken very quickly though. A final note particularly if you are after a high level job try & find something almost unique about yourself that makes you more suitable for that job than the other candidates & make sure you stress it.