Archive for the ‘mailchimp’ Category

The book I read to research this post was Supercharge Your Kindle Sales by Nick Stephenson which is a very good book that I bought from kindle. This book is about maximizing the sales of your e-book. Most of it is about on kindle. Many books on kindle are in the doldrums sales wise but by tweaking things like sales keywords and getting people to give you their e-mail so you can send them a e-newsletter promoting your books you can be a successful author. There are a couple of tools called kindle spy and kindle samurai that will tell you the popularity of particular keywords on kindle. You can also check out a book that is successful and see what keywords it uses. These keywords are limited in how many you can use so you need to take advantage of this. Keywords used by lots of books will leave you well down the search list. Ideally you want a popularly searched keyword not used by too many books. Kindle uses an algorithm that takes into account the price as well as sales figures so a higher price is classed as more popular after all you are making more money. A lot of people give an e-book away on free promotion either the first in a series permanently or rotate the titles on a temporary basis. Free books are defintely more popular and get your name out their. You can giive away a title on a website or blog where people can give their e-mail in exchange for the free download. You then use this address for an e-newsletter. You can use mailchimp which is free upto 2,000 subscribers and then is reasonably priced. A lot of authors use wordpress and a mailchimp plug in for this. I think this book is around 90 pages so is quite short. It was interesting and I do recommend it.