Archive for the ‘youtube’ Category

The book I read to research this post was Zero to Social Media Film Star by Warren Cass et al which is a very good book which I bought from kindle. This book examines your social media presence whether that may include blogging on wordpress to sites where you can meet up with local people like foursquare & meetup. It also looks at the main social networking sites, facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+ & pinterest. They recommend if you are just starting out you should pick 2 sites and learn them. If it takes you more than a day to answer peoples messages on these sites you are spreading yourself too thinly. They also look at youtube & this book is done from the perspective of promoting a charity or business. A lot of companies outsource to either individuals or small companies to look after their image on sites like these. Sarah who cowrote this book is british and has a highly successful blog which is the biggest female owned multi authored one outside the USA. It’s also the most successful british blog. She recommends the theme Dynamik for a wordpress site. They also recommend if you are having facebook advertising go for pay per view because they can stay on their timeline and still see your advert. If they have to click on it a lot of people won’t bother & the cost per advert works out cheaper.

The book I read to research this post was iPad for Dummies 2nd Edition by Edward C Baig which is an excellent book I got from the library. This book covers both the iPad & iPad 2. YouTube has become one of the most famous websites & with an iPad you can both watch videos & upload them. When you are searching for a particular type of video it’s a good idea to type in a keyword. The videos are grouped according to featured-by YouTube staff- most viewed, favourites- selected by you- subscriptions- ones you have subscribed to because you like them & get updates- my videos- ones you have uploaded- & finally history- ones you have viewed recently. You can only directly watch YouTube on an iPad that has 3G or internet access but if you have a wi-fi one you can stream it from your computer. When you watch a video you can add it to your favourites, share or email someone a link, rate it out of 5 or flag it as inappropriate where it will be checked by YouTube staff. You can view the videos full screen on an iPad & also if you have children you can age restrict the content they watch.


The book I read to research this post was YouTube for Dummies by Doug Sahlin is a very good book and I got it from the library. YouTube is primarily a video sharing site although you can send messages to other users so in that sense it’s a social networking site. Big businesses have partners accounts which they pay for but the other types of account are free. You can upload avi,mp4, mov, mpg and wmv. Also you can upload photos and audio. If you have an ordinary account your file size can’t exceed 10 minutes or 10 mb. With a comedians, directors, gurus or musicians account the file size is unlimited. There are channels you can subscribe to and groups you can join you can also start your own group.