Archive for the ‘internet addiction’ Category

The first thing I’m going to look at is internet addiction. This is particularly prevalent among people into porno sites, gambling sites, social media, online gaming and people in business who might repeatedly check things like e-mails. One key thing is turning off any kind of notifications. Things like who has mentioned you or your company online or retweeted something of yours. You should set rules as to how often you check things like e-mails for most people once a day is enough. You should have set times of the day when you don’t go online. Internet addiction although only recognised as an illness officially in 1994 is regarded by health professionals as a bona fide illness. In the long term sufferers can find they develop difficulties in relating to people. This can especially happen in young peeople who often are still developing their personality. One obvious sign of this addiction is when you have a family and you are hogging the internet so much it stops other people getting online. Addicts often find they get anxious and depressed when they can’t get online. If you have depression or bipolar disorder it can make the condition worse and harder to treat. Many people get a high when they are online and in terms of how the receptors in the brain respond it has got a lot in common with other addictions even narcotics. Some things you can look at are getting an assistant and trying to automate some of the work you do if you are in business. Some acute sufferers find cognitive therapy helps and if you do decide to see a therapist you should make sure they understand what internet addiction is. With it being a relatively new illness many don’t. There may also be underlying reasons underneath the addiction that need to be addressed. Some people have what they have an addictive personality type and these people are more prone to any kind of addiction than other people. It’s also worth looking at trying to do some tasks offline like sending a letter rather than an e-mail. 70 % of internet addicts also suffer from other addictions. It may also help to try and find another healthy hobby or interest like getting fit.

The book I read to research this post was Internet Addiction Cure by Gary Marcell which is a very good book that I downloaded for free from the internet. This book is only around 25 pages so is quite short. Internet addiction is classed as a psychological problem and can be exacerbated if the person also has depression or bipolar disorder. Common signs are using the internet and saying I’ll only be a bit longer and been on it for hours and using it to the exclusion of other people getting on the internet. The kind of sites they frequent are often social media, gambling and dating ones. Some people find they start having trouble relating to people and prefer the company of people online. You have to set limits for your online usage and get other people to monitor and enforce how long you are online. One idea is turning off updates from various sites and if you go out leaving your tablet or smartphone at home. One issue is sometimes people who run an online business check things like e-mail and they need to limit this maybe to twice a day and stick to it. With some people it gets so bad they can even have sleep disturbance, weight loss or gain, become withdrawn etc. This is an interesting book that I would recommend and don’t forget as with any kind of addiction or psychological problem there help available and you shouldn’t be afraid to someone like you GP for help. Finally often sufferers have underlying problems that manifest themself in this way and a lot of success has been made giving people cognitive therapy.