Archive for the ‘jeri ryan’ Category

In this part I’m looking at Google+ or Google Plus. This site is primarily about having links to interesting content. Unlike Facebook you don’t copy blogs directly just the headline and a comment. You can copy videos and photos directly into this site though. Your paramount purpose of being on this site is to help people by providing something useful. They don’t have an advertisement program like some other sites. The Google search engine also takes into account links from this site as part of their algorithm. Google can’t index Facebook. If you join this site it is still growing rapidly and you are getting in at the beginning. This site could become a lot bigger in several years. Many people upload photos and short videos of their days activities. Especially if you are on this site on behalf of a company it goes without saying that you must stick to appropriate content. You can go off topic a little bit and ideally have separate business and personal accounts. You should be aiming to educate people not besiege them with adverts. A rough guide for this site should be do 2 original blogs you link about your product, do or find 4 blogs on other subjects and link & 10-12 comments or updates. You should generally follow people back who follow you. The exception being if they post no or inappropriate content. Jeri Ryan who played Seven Of Nine in Star Trek Voyager is a very active celebrity on this site and I would recommend following her. You have circles you can categorize followers in. You might have one each for business colleagues and friends for example. When you send messages you select a circle and everything in there receives it. It’s probably not secure enough for sending out sensitive data. You should try and spend 30 minutes twice a day looking for content to link to your page. If you enter a + before a name in a search engine such as Google, ie +nike you are taken to that companies Google+ page.It’s also a good idea to have links to experts in the field you work in.If you are a writer have a link to a writing tutorial for example.