The book I read to research this post was Linkedin Gold: How To Make A Killer Linkedin Profile by Lance Willis which is an excellent book which I bought from kindle. This book is quite short and concise but makes interesting reading and I think is essential reading for anyone interested in getting another job. The book covers a lot more than just creating a Linkedin and covers a whole plethora of useful websites along with their being sections on Twitter and Facebook. If you do a search in a search engine for yourself your Linkedin profile is likely to be highly placed and is important you get it right. You should aim to get at least 500 contacts on Linkedin as then it will display it as 500+ and don’t pick people at random but rather give yourself about 4 months to reach it and pick in the same industry who can help you. You should have a professionally done photo, many trade shows have photograpers who will take a photo and post it online for you for a fee. Your profile should look intelligent and include things like a mission statement and where you want to be in 5 years. You should keep abreast of developments in your industry and mention this in your profile. Your current job should offer opportunities to train if not you definitely need to change jobs. More people use Facebook to search for a job than Linkedin which isn’t surprising considering the former’s popularity. You shouldn’t be afraid of asking for recommendations but avoid spamming people. The job seeker subscription on Linkedin is worth getting and allows you to add contacts on the site. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can tell he really knows what he is on about. It isn’t a how to guide to using Linkedin for that he suggests get Linkedin For Dummies but is informative all the same. Finally bear in mind your shouldn’t post anything on the web you wouldn’t want an employer to read and you should always maintain professional standards.


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